Program Structure

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee meets monthly and includes eleven appointed members of the Advisory Committee.  

The role of this committee is to steer the program, adopt key deliverables, and work with the program team to design and provide feedback on the process, approach, and materials. Where there is disagreement, proposals and recommendations will reflect the outstanding divergence. This group does not have the authority to make decisions on the land.


Andy Duffey

Reclamation District 70/1660, Tisdale Irrigation District, Butte Slough Irrigation

Bjarni Serup

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)

Carson Jeffres

UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences

Denise Carter


Ellen McBride

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Julie Rentner

River Partners

Kaylee  Allen

United States Fish Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Steve Rothert

Department of Water Resources (DWR)

Virginia Getz

Ducks Unlimited

Ward Charter

Ward Charter Farms

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is comprised of a broad representation of interests including: private landowners with agriculture, hunting clubs and wetlands; local, state, and federal agencies; tribes; flood managers and maintainers; water suppliers; research institutions; river, wildlife, and agriculture non-governmental organizations. 

The role of this committee is to advise the Steering Committee. The committee reviews proposed approaches and options and makes recommendations to the Steering Committee. Their role includes:

  • Offering a broad range of interests, perspectives, and information to inform development of multi-benefit options.  
  • Learning about each other’s interests, related efforts, and science to support recommendations that meet multiple interests. 
  • Advising Steering Committee on key technical work products, decision support tools, evaluation criteria, potential actions, expected benefits, and implementation strategy. 
  • Coordinating with Ad-Hoc Group to understand technical input and articulate interests to guide technical analysis.

Ad-Hoc Groups

The membership is composed of technical representatives of the broad interests who can contribute to the quantification of benefits, constraints, modeling assumptions, and evaluation of potential structural and biological options.

Subgroups include topical, technical, and regional representatives. Each ad hoc group will meet in subgroups as needed to provide science and technical input, make recommendations and proposals to the Advisory Committee.  Where there is divergence, the Ad Hoc Group’s recommendations will reflect different viewpoints. 

  • Bird
  • Habitat
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Landowner
  • Salmon
  • Tribal

Meet the Team

Lewis Bair

General Manager, Reclamation District 108

Holly Dawley

Senior Civil Engineer, Kjeldsen Sinnock Neudeck (KSN)

Chris Campbell

Technical Director, Ecohydrologist, cbec

Julie Leimbach

Vice President, Kearns & West

Eric Nagy

Larsen Wurzel & Associates

Kristy Dybala

Point Blue

Steve Zeug

Cramer Fisheries

Alison Whipple

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI)

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